Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The 5ive People you Meet in Heaven

Title : The Five People you Meet in Heaven
Author: Mitch Albom

Now don't ask me why I bought a hard cover version of this book. With the big fonts and double/triple (Exaggerating to the max!!) spacing, I now think it was a waste of my money. It just came out here in Malaysia at that time so the were no paperbacks yet.

I read the review from NST. Since they had high regards of Tuesdays with Morrie, also written by the same author, it convinced me to try this book out. Even at MPH, I was dazzled by the praises this book received (reading it at the back of the book!) so it blinded all my dispelasure at the fonts and spacing thingey I'm always fussy about.

Though a tad disappointed, I still think this book is ok. Relaxing even.. ok², I like books too much to say they are not good, though once in a while I DO stumble upon a book not worth reading, not EVEN worth selling in bookstores so this books settles down in the OK category. 97% books are ok for me, in that matter!

This story happens on Eddie's birthday which ironically is also the day of his death. The author describes it as, "This story begin in the end!". Haha.. cute description, though!

Eddie is the maintenance guy who works at the amusement park in his hometown. All his life, he's been living near this amusement park, except the time he went for military services, and since his father also worked there, it seemed like the only logical choice for him.

Everyone loves Eddie (cam nama cerita tv plak..). The kids, the adults, his co-workers and so on and so forth. He periodically check on the rides, ensuring every nut and bolt is in its place so the park would be accident-free. However, God had other plans for him and that day, an accident happend at the Ferris Wheel that lead to his death while he was trying to help a child.

Upon waking up, Eddie, though he knew he had died, was suprised to see the afterlife so much like earth. This is where he met the first person he should meet before entering his OWN heaven. (Ok, the author has the idea that all of us have our own heavens, depending on which place on earth we were happiest)

The book talks about Eddie's journey through 5 other peoples heaven. All these 5 people have been connected to him in one way or another, though some of them he barely recognizes. Once he realizes the lesson in one heaven, he will be transported to another's heaven and learn another lesson.

The journey is punctuated with birthday tales of Eddie throughout his life. From the time he was born, to being a child, then a teenager right through adulthood. Somehow, these birthday tales are essential to understanding the story, I guess.

Simply written, still, sometimes you feel a stab of pain or pride while reading this book, especially when it narrates about his relationship with the father he hates but secretly worships and about his wife whom he really loved. Quite a good writer, though APASAL CITER DIA PENDEK SGT??

Reading this book makes you wonder how much you have affected other peoples lives, and I don't mean this positively! For example, one of the people Eddie met in heaven was this guy who died just because Eddie and his friends were playing ball. It happened that the ball they were playing has been kicked right into the street in front of this guy who had just learnt to drive. Though the guy managed to swerved at the right moment, thus saving the life of little Eddie at that time, the shock at a near-accident weakened his already delicate heart, thus made him die peacefully in his car right after avoiding hitting Eddie. Eddie on the other hand, obvlious to what happened, continued to play with his peers.

It's true, you know. You then realize that sometimes, unintentionally, you affect these changes in other people though you don't really realize it. The change might be for good, might be for bad, but still, it happens!

Hehe, I'd really categorize this book in the self-inspiration category. Even my housemate pondered on this question for days so if you guys want to read this, better borrow my copy or at the library. Not really worth its weight in gold, though in this case, its paper but it could keep you occupied for a few days..

Hmmm. makes me start wondering again..


KyleWorthington said...

Mitch Albom is famous for his inspirational writings...remember Tuesdays with Morrie? Aiyaa...want to cry lor...anyways...I wonder if anyone reads Nicholas Sparks...?

Ayu Ikhwani said...

Really? I never knew that.. and sorry, I haven't read Tuesdays with Morrie though I watched a bit of it on tv last year.. and do you mean they have Five People on tv? Wish I knew hehe..

Nicholas Sparks.. funny you should mention.. I bought his A Walk To Remember a fw yaers ago.. and at a book fair recently, I bought his The Wedding, supposedly the sequel to The Notebook but I haven't got the time to read it yet.. :)

KyleWorthington said...

Yeah...they've got Jon Voight (Angelina Jolie's dad) as the lead, and it's shown at Hallmark. Nick Sparks is good, and he's one of those authors Hollywood filmmakers love to adapt (think of A Walk to Remember and Notebook). Honestly, I liked the characters cuz they're usually so naive and innocent and simply dolce (both men and women)!

Garrion said...

What!? How can you say this book is just... okay!? Its mind boggling! lol, i know i sound like a crazy fanatic. I've only read this book and yet its got me wanting to read the Tuesdays with Morry since the Five People You Meet In Heaven is very good!

Ayu Ikhwani said...

Huh.. a new visitor here eh?

Ok.. maybe its not just ok.. maybe just a BIT more than ok but yeah, I like this book.. its simple and the message comes right thru you.. like I said, it made me ponder on a lot of things after I finished it.. its the kind'a book you'd take along if you going to the dentist or something (knowing how long you'd have to wait for your appointment)..

FYI, I just bought my copy of Tuesdays With Morrie.. and like you, Five People in Heaven was what moved me to find this book.. haven't read it yet but will too!