Friday, April 22, 2005

The Curse of the Single's Table con't

I just finished reading the book.

Overall, I don't think I'll change my ratings for this book though the end DID give you a shove in the a** when you realize that you've seen what her problem is all along, but like her, you refused to aknowledge it, preferring her mindset (that is shamefully like most of the population of the world, anyway!)

But for relaxation, I could recommend you this book if you want a good I'm-just-as-dumb kind'a book. For certain parts in this book, you give a really instant good prep talk to yourself reminding yourself to NOT do what she's done.. but I assure you, you'd only be sober for about 5 minutes. I mean, who hasn't done anything stupid for the sake of love? Most normal people could really relate to this book, though you might think, Suzanne is really taking the 'extremes' to the extreme. It'll make you fell that you handle your love problems better but at least, she'll make you feel good about yourself ;-)

I won't recommand you to keep this book in your collection, but hey, it might come in handy one day so, it might not be a bad idea after all to go get yourself a copy. Enough said.

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